Pure Current

The StromTank is an independent energy source. With it, HiFi components finally play the way they really can.

Pure Current

Like a stagnant body of water, electricity also becomes contaminated. If we leave our sensitive hi-fi components to the unclean current from the socket, we cannot expect to be rewarded with pure sound.

Pure Current

Like clear spring water and with full dynamics, the music bubbles out of our stereo system. The StromTank private power plant provides the purest electricity.

The long road from the power
plant to the stereo system

Discover here why electricity from the socket is problematic.

Pure Current

The StromTank is an independent energy source. With it, HiFi components finally play the way they really can.

Pure Current

Like a stagnant body of water, electricity also becomes contaminated. If we leave our sensitive hi-fi components to the unclean current from the socket, we cannot expect to be rewarded with pure sound.

Pure Current

Like clear spring water and with full dynamics, the music bubbles out of our stereo system. The StromTank private power plant provides the purest electricity.

The long road from the power
plant to the stereo system

Discover here why electricity from the socket is problematic.

Music is a measeure of life that cannot be valued highly enough. The legendary saxophonist Albert Ayler said: “Music is the healing force of the universe.” Because we love music, because it ennobles our everyday lives and gives us strength for what life demands of us, we put together fine music reproduction systems. But these high-quality systems need electricity to work. Almost our entire life is, after all, electricity-based: Light, communication, food and even driving. But what is the actual quality of the electricity from our sockets? It doesn’t matter for cooking or driving, but it does matter for listening to music, because we want more than just the sound of music, we expect emotional music.

You might ask yourself why no manufacturer has consistently pursued the topic of power purification to date? There have been many attempts, but there was no consistent, sustainable solution. Why? The necessary battery technology has only been developed in recent years and it is expensive.

Wolfgang Meletzky, founder of the world-renowned high-end company MBL, is known for his consistent, even uncompromising solutions, and with StromTank he starts exactly where it really makes sense. The StromTank not only regenerates the power, it disconnects the system completely from the grid as soon as the batteries give the green light. In this way a clean 230 volt alternating voltage be guaranteed for many hours with the help of the high-tech batteries. Only then can the purest, unclouded sound emerge.

The stopgap solution often practised in the past, waiting for the night hours until the neighbour is asleep and the economic activity also drops, is no longer an alternative. This is because more and more electric cars are hanging in the charging loops. So it is clear that there is no alternative to StromTank – you have earned it.

Compare our StromTank models


Everything that characterises the StromTanks can already be found in our smallest model. Depending on the system configuration, even with the S-1000 there are no limits to absolute music enjoyment.

450 VA

Permanent power

1.800 VA

Power 3 sec. @ 25°C

2 H

Battery runtime

41 kg


S-2500 Quantum MK-II
Compare our StromTank models

S-2500 Quantum MK-II

„The new middle class“, if you go by our device hierarchy. Otherwise, the S-2500 Quantum MK-II is, of course, absolute top class. Here, too, we have implemented everything in line with our uncompromising approach.

650 VA

Permanent power

2.600 VA

Power 3 sec. @ 25°C

4 H

Battery runtime

57 kg


S-4000 ProPower MK-II
Compare our StromTank models

S-4000 ProPower MK-II

The S-4000 ProPower not only cuts a fine figure in many recording studios. It is also a classic power tank, but one with eight LFP batteries and two inverters.

950 VA

Permanent power

3.700 VA

Power 3 sec. @ 25°C

5,5 H

Battery runtime

80 kg


S-5000 HighPower MK-II
Compare our StromTank models

S-5000 HighPower MK-II

Many people say that life is made up of compromises. 
We say it consists of decisions. And if you have opted for a high-end system, then you also want to be able to call up its optimum performance at all times.

950 VA

Permanent power

5.000 VA

Power 3 sec. @ 25°C

8 H

Battery runtime

125 kg



S-2500 Quantum MK-II

S-4000 ProPower MK-II

S-5000 HighPower MK-II


Everything that characterises the StromTanks can already be found in our smallest model. Depending on the system configuration, even with the S-1000 there are no limits to absolute music enjoyment.

S-2500 Quantum MK-II

“The new middle class”, if you go by our device hierarchy. Otherwise, the S-2500 Quantum MK-II is, of course, absolute top class. Here, too, we have implemented everything in line with our uncompromising approach.

S-4000 ProPower MK-II

The S-4000 ProPower not only cuts a fine figure in many recording studios. It is also a classic power tank, but one with eight LFP batteries and two inverters.

S-5000 HighPower MK-II

Many people say that life is made up of compromises. 
We say it consists of decisions. And if you have opted for a high-end system, then you also want to be able to call up its optimum performance at all times.


Rathenower Str. 45
10559 Berlin, Germany

+49 (30) 52 68 83 30



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