It’s basically quite simple, different hi-fi devices require different attention. A heavy off-road vehicle fills up with diesel, a speedy sports car with super. A triathlete has a different diet than a high jumper, the list of comparisons is endless. In general, it makes sense to supply source devices separately and to start with exactly that when you first want to get a StromTank. The S1000-SourcePower is ideal for this and for small, less complex systems.
Basically, power-hungry amplifier trains should then be supplied more potently and, in a final step, analog trains should be separated from digital trains, which can introduce interference artefacts into the chain. But not with our StromTanks. We present possible combinations below and, as you can see from this introduction, there are many more beyond. Let us advise you. Your specialist dealer is looking forward to it.
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
S4000 Pro-Power
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
S-4000 Pro-Power
S-1000 +
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
Fine and elegant. All source devices can be perfectly supplied with an S1000-SourcePower: Turntables, tape machines or even an analogue tuner. In the case of a digital device, usefully supplemented with the SEQ-5 power strip, with DDS filter. The S2500-Quantum takes care of the rest. Equipped with the DDS option, it can also feed all digital devices without interference.
S-2500 Quantum MK-II +
S-2500 Quantum MK-II
Fine and powerful. A particularly high-quality source device and a mono power amplifier are connected to the first S2500, the preamplifier and second mono power amplifier to the second S2500. Or you can give the sources and the preamplifier their own S2500 and supply the power amplifiers with the second S2500. If that‘s not audiophile freedom, what is?
S-1000 +
S-4000 Pro-Power
Consistent purism. Take one or two source devices, perhaps a preamplifier, and let them be perfectly fed by an S1000, preferably supplemented with the SEQ-5 power strip. Add either a powerful stereo or two mono power amps to an S4000. Sounds like a system for real connoisseurs.
S-2500 Quantum MK-II +
S-4000 ProPower
The booster tandem. With the combination of an S2500 and an S4000, you get exactly the power you need for your large power amplifiers. The great thing is that they can adequately supply two powerful mono power amps as well as four. The control and the sources gladly take the clean current of the S2500.

Everything that characterises the StromTanks can already be found in our smallest model. Depending on the system configuration, even with the S-1000 there are no limits to absolute music enjoyment.

S-2500 Quantum MK-II
"The new middle class", if you go by our device hierarchy. Otherwise, the S-2500 Quantum MK-II is, of course, absolute top class. Here, too, we have implemented everything in line with our uncompromising approach.

S-4000 ProPower MK-II
The S-4000 ProPower not only cuts a fine figure in many recording studios. It is also a classic power tank, but one with eight LFP batteries and two inverters.

S-5000 HighPower MK-II
Many people say that life is made up of compromises. We say it consists of decisions. And if you have opted for a high-end system, then you also want to be able to call up its optimum performance at all times.

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10559 Berlin, Germany
+49 (30) 52 68 83 30
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